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28 June 2008
A nice firefox addon for using mouse gestures
Visualising jgrapht graphs using yEd
import org.jgrapht.DirectedGraph;
import org.jgrapht.ext.GmlExporter;
import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedGraph;
DirectedGraph graph = new DefaultDirectedGraph(...);
GmlExporter gmlExporter = new GmlExporter();
File file = ...
Writer fileWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));
gmlExporter.export(fileWriter, graph);
Apply svn auto-properties retrospectively
24 June 2008
Never been a fan of BDUF - Big Design Upfront
Never been a fan of BDUF - Big Design Upfront... ever since (early on in my career) I was "required" to create endless class and sequence diagrams before being able to write a line of code... consultancies used to get paid by how much documentation they created rather than working software.
ZeroTurnaround's JavaRebel - class reloading
If you're developing an application that has long reload times and Hotspot's Hotswap is not cutting the mustard, then this product maybe what you need. As well as supporting modifications to methods it also supports adding/removing methods/fields/clases/annotations and changing interfaces.
Checkout the screencast.
Jolt Awards
I always used to keep an eye on the Jolt Awards, back in the day when Software Development Magazine (now merged with Dr Dobbs Journal) used to cover it. Sometimes useful to see what products are getting awards... wouldn't base any decisions on it though.
Centos 5.2 went smoothly
The upgrade went through without a problem.
1) execute "yum upgrade"
2) execute "find /etc -name *.rpm?*" to discover any .rpmnew and .rpmsave config files that need merging into existing config files, then merge, preferable using a visual merge tool such as Meld
3) reboot
Job done
18 June 2008
Enforcing package dependencies
Structure101 looks awesome but costs a lot, still it looks like a valuable tool for a commercial development team. Its a server-based tool that comes with IDE plugins.
Japan and Macker seem like cheap and cheerful open-source tools that are simple to use, as they rely on a configuration file that can be placed into source control alongside the actual source code to which it relates. I think I'll give Japan a go, as its simple enough for my needs. Andy@Gigantiq discusses them in detail at:
Enforcing Package Dependencies (Part 4)
Enforcing Package Dependencies (Part 3)
Enforcing Package Dependencies (Part 2)
Enforcing Package Dependencies (Part 1)
13 June 2008
Shoal - a useful library for implenting clustering functionality
Shoal is a java based scalable dynamic clustering framework that provides infrastructure to build fault tolerance, reliability and availability.
The framework can be plugged into any product needing clustering and related distributed systems capabilities without tightly binding to a specific communications infrastructure.
12 June 2008
10 June 2008
IEEE1588 – Precision Time Protocol
Read more
Why it's better to be lazy, by Jeremy Meyer
Everyone can be loosely classified into 4 groups, which are permutations of either activeness or laziness and , intelligence or stupidity.
Intelligent Lazy people, as my father would explain, are everyone's favourite. They do things in a smart way in order to expend the least effort. They don't rush into things, taking that little bit of extra time to think and find the shortest, best path. They tend to make what they do repeatable so they don't have to go through it all again. These people usually make good leaders, and they are good to have on teams.
Intelligent Active people are useful, because they are smart, after all, but their intelligence can be slightly diluted or tempered by their activity. Where they don't have a perfect solution, they might act anyway, rather than sitting on their laurels, so useful people but not great leaders, and on a team, they can often put noses out of joint by acting too early and too fast.
Stupid Lazy people have their place too, they are easy to manage, they generally don't act on their own initiative too much and, given tasks that are not beyond them, they will perform in a predictable, consistent manner. Usually they won't cause any harm on teams. Wellington, liked these people as foot soldiers.
Stupid Active people are the dangerous ones. Their default behaviour is to act, and in the absence of skill or thought they can cause all types of trouble.
07 June 2008
Figuring out what subversion checkins you've done
svn log -r {2008-01-01}:{2008-06-08} --xml --username your_repo_name --password your_repo_password > changelog_for_all_authors.xml
Now you need to run a little filtering on changelog_for_all_authors.xml, some form of xpath might help. I came across a script at that does the job. Download the script to svn-log-parser.php and run.:
php ./svn-log-parser.php changelog_for_all_authors.xml your_repo_name change_log_for_your_repo_name.xml
06 June 2008
Date logic in Bash
for n in 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11;
d=`date +'%Y.%m.%d' -d "-${n} day"`
echo "Deleting ${d}"
rm -rf ./${d}