15 July 2024

Starting and running a business - The Diary of a CEO with Josh Kaufman

Josh Kaufman is a renowned business expert and the author of the international best-selling book, ‘The Personal MBA’ which has sold over 900,000 copies worldwide. He is also the author of books such as, ‘The First 20 Hours’, and ‘How to Fight a Hydra’. In this conversation, Josh and Steven discuss topics such as, the 5 laws of business, how to turn $100 into $10k, the psychological tactics of millionaires, and how to make money in your sleep.

00:00:00 Intro
00:02:00 Why Did You Write The Personal MBA
00:04:32 What Is An MBA?
00:10:30 Should You Do A MBA?
00:14:19 How Difficult Is Starting And Running A Business?
00:16:57 First Steps To Setting Up A Business
00:19:29 Loads Of Business Are Finding Problems To Solve
00:27:49 How To Give Value To The End Consumer
00:35:47 How Do You Find Out If Your Idea Is Good?
00:39:11 This Is The Wrong Approach When Starting A Business
00:40:49 Why Should You Start With Value?
00:42:35 How To Market
00:44:04 Psychology & Marketing
00:46:06 Creating A Drive In The Marketing Strategy
00:48:23 Think Different
00:50:52 Be Brave To Do Something Completely Different
00:58:39 How To Become A Good Marketer
01:00:31 The Sales Piece In Any Business
01:04:38 Customer Service Matters
01:06:09 The Sales Framework
01:13:06 How Important Is Hiring?
01:14:50 What Role Does Competition Play?
01:19:09 Let's Talk Money
01:24:17 What Numbers Should I Pay Attention To?
01:26:35 Experimenting
01:34:55 Every Complex System Starts In A Simple Way
01:39:06 Mastering A Job
01:43:54 Ten Major Principles To Learn Anything
01:55:24 Removing Any Friction In The Process
02:01:38 Last Guest Question

27 June 2024

How To Use Food To Improve Your Mood, Overcome Anxiety and Protect Your Memory - Dr Rangan Chatterjee with Dr Georgia Ede

Over one billion people worldwide have some type of mental health diagnosis – a statistic that suggests the current approach to treating these conditions may not be enough. For those struggling, perhaps despite their medication, it can feel easy to lose hope of feeling well again.

In this conversation, I speak to someone who has been a psychiatrist for more than 25 years and who, for many years, felt that her impact on patients was limited until, she learned about the incredible healing power of food.

Dr. Georgia Ede is a Harvard trained, board certified psychiatrist specialising in nutritional and metabolic psychiatry. Her twenty-five years of clinical experience includes twelve years at Smith College and Harvard University Health Services, where she was the first person to offer students nutrition-based approaches as an alternative to psychiatric medication.

She co-authored the first inpatient study of the ketogenic diet for treatment-resistant mental illness and is the author of the wonderful new book ‘Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind: A Powerful Plan to Improve Mood, Overcome Anxiety and Protect Memory for a Lifetime of Optimal Mental Health’.

Georgia explains that, almost unknowingly, many of us have been feeding our brains improperly for our entire lives. We explore what she considers to be the five foods that have the most potential to be problematic for our brain health and how quickly we can start to feel the benefits if we are able to cut back on them. This highlights a key point that both Georgia and I are extremely passionate about – that, for most of us, in the modern day food environment, what we cut out of our diet is more important than what we put in.

We talk about the relationship between blood glucose and brain glucose. Georgia outlines the whole foods that Georgia believes can be problematic, especially if we are having problems with our mood or have a mental health diagnosis. We also discuss why Georgia believes that the Mediterranean diet – whilst better than the Standard Western Diet is not optimal, and we cover Georgia’s clinical research about the potential benefits of ketogenic diets in treating mental health.

17 June 2024

The Sacred Myths of Liberalism - TRIGGERnometry with Eric Kaufmann

Eric Kaufmann is a Canadian professor of politics. Following two decades at Birkbeck, University of London, he is now based at the University of Buckingham. He is Director of the Centre for Heterodox Social Science, a countercultural research centre. He is the author of several books including, most recently, ‘Taboo: How Making Race Sacred Produced a Cultural Revolution’.


Sacredness of Identity: The emergence of the sacredness around identity has led to an overreactive response to perceived offences, lack of proportionality, and a lack of nuance in addressing issues, driven by white guilt and virtue signalling, not Marxist ideology.

Liberal Identity Reform: To reform liberalism, distinguish between liberal principles and identity, address emotional reflex towards fearing majorities and romanticizing minorities, and consider a cultural approach with socialism and freedom.

Cultural Inequality vs. Equity: The discrepancy between accepting economic inequality and rejecting cultural inequality calls for a debate about cultural wealth and human flourishing vs. cultural equity. However, society lacks the courage to challenge the current cultural narrative and push back against new buzzwords and PC terms, potentially leading to cultural poverty.

Educational Reform: Governments must intervene and reform K-12 educational institutions to counteract progressive ideology and critical race theory, enforcing political neutrality and eliminating gender ideology training to prevent indoctrination and shape worldviews, ultimately impacting crime rates, educational standards, and border control.

Cultural values and accountability: A balanced approach is needed for addressing cultural issues, allowing for accountability while preventing over-policing and over-penalizing. Desensitization to allegations can occur, making it essential to acknowledge valid cases of harm and promote alternative values.

Cultural intolerance on campuses: Despite concerns of intolerance towards opposing views on campuses, history suggests young people may become more moderate as they age, but comedians and cultural figures are challenging the status quo, raising the possibility of a shift towards more diverse and inclusive discourse.

Cultural shift in education: The cultural shift in education towards progressive ideologies, emphasizing empathy and care for vulnerable groups, has been a significant driver of societal change, but the application of empathy can be selective and the line between empathy and oppression can be blurred. Internal factors, such as liberal receptiveness, have played a crucial role in this shift.

Manipulation of liberal emotions: The success of cultural Marxist ideas, like Black Lives Matter, stems from the manipulation of liberal emotions and guilt, rather than a widespread acceptance of Marxist ideologies.

06 June 2024

7 Early Signs of Burnout and 10 Simple & Practical Tools To Help - Dr Rangan Chatterjee

Burnout is a type of chronic, unmanaged stress that has significant consequences for our physical and mental health. It’s characterised by feeling exhausted all the time, with no energy for everyday tasks, and little enjoyment in everyday activities.  A survey by YouGov for the charity Mental Health UK in 2020 found one in five people felt unable to manage pressure and stress levels at work. Other Research found that burnout among UK workers almost doubled from 2021 to 2022 and that a staggering 88 percent of the UK workforce has experienced burnout since 2020.

Many of us think we can keep pushing day after day, week after week, month after month without any consequences. But we can’t. What I have seen time and time again is that this constant pushing always comes back to bite, it is just a case of when. Many of us are on the road to burnout without even realising it. In the past, we might have thought of burnout as a phenomenon that only affected high-flying CEOs. But it’s fair to say the world of work has completely transformed over the past few years. Pressures on everyone are through the roof, no matter what your paygrade or level of responsibility. Add to that the rise in home working, the cost-of-living crisis and the fact that boundaries between work and home have become increasingly blurred means that it is something that more and more of us are experiencing.

In this podcast, Rangan outlines 7 signs that may indicate you are on the road to burnout: things to look out for in your mood, your behaviour, your habits and your health. Rangan then walks you through 10 practical tools you can think about introducing into your life that will quickly start to help.

02 June 2024

How Creatine is Disrupting a 2 Billion Dollar Anxiety & Depression Market - Thomas DeLauer with Dr Darren Candow

00:00 Intro
01:38 30% Off Your First Order AND a Free Gift Worth up to $60
02:39 Cognition & Memory
05:44 Creatine for Vegans & Vegetarians
07:48 Creatine for Younger Adults & Children
08:26 Anti-Inflammatory Effects
09:30 Sleep Deprivation
11:11 Dosing Strategy
14:09 How Creatine is Made in the Brain
15:29 Creatine for Brain Health
16:12 Where to Find More of Dr. Candow's Content

08 May 2024

Transform Your Health by Improving Metabolism, Hormone & Blood Sugar Regulation - Dr Andew Huberman with Dr Casey Means

In this episode, Dr. Casey Means, a physician trained at Stanford University School of Medicine, an expert on metabolic health and the author of the book, Good Energy, discusses how to leverage nutrition, exercise and environmental factors to enhance your metabolic health by improving mitochondrial function, hormone and blood sugar regulation. We also explore how fasting, deliberate cold exposure and spending time in nature can impact metabolic health, how to control food cravings and how to assess your metabolic health using blood testing, continuous glucose monitors and other tools. Metabolic dysfunction is a leading cause of chronic disease, obesity and reduced lifespan around the world. Conversely, improving your mitochondrial and metabolic health can positively affect your health span and longevity. Listeners of this episode will learn low- and zero-cost tools to improve their metabolic health, physical and mental well-being, body composition and target the root cause of various common diseases.

00:00:00 Dr. Casey Means
00:02:18 Sponsors: Maui Nui, Eight Sleep & AeroPress
00:06:32 Metabolism, Metabolic Dysfunction, Medicinal Blindspot
00:14:17 Trifecta of Bad Energy
00:24:02 Western Living, United States, Specialization & Medicine
00:27:57 Insulin Resistance, Tool: Mitochondrial Capacity & Exercise
00:33:33 Sponsor: AG1
00:35:03 Tools: Walking & Glucose; Frequent Movement
00:44:25 Tools: Exercises to Improve Mitochondrial Capacity; Desk Treadmill
00:51:18 Soleus Push-Ups & Fidgeting, Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)
00:57:14 Sponsor: InsideTracker
00:58:21 Tool: Blood Test Biomarkers, Vital Signs & Mitochondrial Function
01:11:16 Navigate Medical System & Blood Tests, Consumer Lab Testing
01:16:46 Tool: Environmental Factors; Food, Life as a Process
01:21:58 Tool: Ultra-Processed vs. Real Food, Obesity, Soil & Micronutrients
01:32:03 Ultra-Processed Foods: Brain & Cellular Confusion
01:39:10 Tools: Control Cravings, GLP-1 Production, Microbiome Support
01:51:42 Ozempic, GLP-1 Analogs; Root Cause & Medicine
02:00:54 Tool: Deliberate Cold & Heat Exposure, Brown Fat
02:07:27 Tool: Intermittent Fasting & Metabolic Flexibility; Insulin Sensitivity
02:17:03 Tool: Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) & Awareness, Glucose Spikes
02:24:34 Tool: CGMs, Glycemic Variability, Dawn Effect, Individuality
02:33:10 Sleep; Continuous Monitoring & Biomarkers
02:37:39 Mindset & Safety, Stress & Cell Danger Response
02:44:04 Tool: Being in Nature, Sunlight, Fear
02:54:44 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

18 April 2024

How to Master Growth Mindset to Improve Performance - Dr Andew Huberman with Dr David Yeager

In this episode, Dr David Yeager, professor of psychology at the University of Texas, Austin, discusses how people of any age can use growth mindset and stress-is-enhancing mindsets to improve motivation and performance. We explain the best mindset for mentors and being mentored and how great leaders motivate others with high standards and support. We also discuss why a sense of purpose is essential to goal pursuit and achievement. Whether you are a parent, teacher, boss, coach, student or someone wanting to improve a skill or overcome a particular challenge, this episode provides an essential framework for adopting performance-enhancing mindsets leading to success.

00:00:00 Dr. David Yeager
00:01:49 Sponsors: AeroPress & ROKA
00:04:20 Growth Mindset; Performance, Self-Esteem
00:10:31 “Wise” Intervention, Teaching Growth Mindset
00:15:12 Stories & Writing Exercises
00:19:42 Effort Beliefs, Physiologic Stress Response
00:24:44 Stress-Is-Enhancing vs Stress-Is-Debilitating Mindsets
00:29:28 Sponsor: AG1
00:30:58 Language & Importance, Stressor vs. Stress Response
00:37:54 Physiologic Cues, Threat vs Challenge Response
00:44:35 Mentor Mindset & Leadership; Protector vs Enforcer Mindset
00:53:58 Sponsor: Waking Up
00:55:14 Strivings, Social Hierarchy & Adolescence, Testosterone
01:06:28 Growth Mindset & Transferability, Defensiveness
01:11:36 Challenge, Environment & Growth Mindset
01:19:08 Goal Pursuit, Brain Development & Adaptation
01:24:54 Emotions; Loss vs. Gain & Motivation
01:32:28 Skill Building & Challenge, Purpose Motivation
01:39:59 Contribution Value, Scientific Work & Scrutiny
01:50:01 Self-Interest, Contribution Mindset
01:58:05 Criticism, Negative Workplaces vs. Growth Culture
02:06:51 Critique & Support; Motivation; Standardized Tests
02:16:40 Mindset Research
02:23:53 Outro

03 April 2024

Foot health: preventing common injuries, enhancing strength and mobility, picking footwear - Dr Peter Attia with Dr Courtney Conley

Courtney Conley is an internationally renowned foot and gait specialist. In this episode, Courtney delves into the intricate world of foot anatomy and functionality. She explores the complexities of the foot, discussing its anatomy, common injuries, and the importance of understanding its structure in preventing issues. She covers a range of foot ailments, factors contributing to them, treatment options, and prevention strategies. She delves into the significance of loading, balance, range of motion, and posture, emphasizing the crucial role of strength in preventing both injuries and falls. Additionally, she sheds light on the interconnectedness of the kinetic chain, from the leg muscles down to the foot, and how issues within this chain can cascade downstream, leading to various injuries and pathologies. Additionally, she provides a comprehensive overview of footwear, discussing suitable options for both adults and children to promote foot health and mitigate potential problems.

0:00:00 Intro
0:01:11 Why Courtney chose to specialize in the foot
0:04:12 The vital role of foot strength, function, and health in human movement and well-being
0:08:25 Anatomy of the rear foot and midfoot
0:19:10 The development of flat feet, the impact of footwear, and the benefits of going barefoot
0:23:20 Anatomy of the forefoot, common injuries, and why most injuries occur in the forefoot
0:31:00 Foot musculature and its role in maintaining foot stability and preventing deformities like bunions and hammer toes
0:41:00 The intrinsic musculature of the foot, plantar fasciitis, footwear, & more
0:54:41 Plantar fasciitis: diagnosis, causes, and treatment
1:03:45 Posterior leg muscles: strength assessment methods, role in ACL injuries, & more
1:09:27 Lateral and medial muscles: ankle stability, arch support, big toe stabilization, and exercises to strengthen and prevent injuries
1:13:56 Importance of strength of lower leg muscles for gait and preventing shin splints, stress injuries, & more
1:19:21 Tendinopathies and other common pathologies related to the anterior and lateral compartments of the foot
1:26:55 The importance of midfoot integrity and ankle dorsiflexion and a discussion of gait alterations
1:34:57 Proximal stability and its implications for posture and movement patterns
1:41:23 The age-related decline in foot sensation and strength
1:45:49 Common toe injuries, treatment, and how to prevent further progression of the injury
1:57:33 Preventing falls & managing arthritis with proactive foot care & exercises
2:06:20 Footwear: advice for picking shoes that promote foot health
2:19:05 Footwear for runners
2:23:39 The importance of prioritizing footwear that promotes natural foot movement & strength while considering individual comfort & foot health needs

29 March 2024

Bringing An End To Race Politics - Modern Wisdom with Coleman Hughes

The state of race relations in America seemed to be improving for decades, then crashed and burned over the last 5 years. What’s going on? Why is everyone so obsessed with race again and how can we move beyond race politics?

Expect to learn why anti-racism is just neo-racism, the difference between being colourblind and actually being racist, why your social class is more important than your ethnicity, whether MeToo hurt women more than helping them, if there is a realistic case for DEI, whether any race-based policies have ever worked and much more…

The Gottman Doctors discuss how to improve your relationship with your partner - The Diary of a CEO with Dr John and Julie Gottman

Drs. John and Julie Gottman are world-leading relationship researchers, studying couples for over 40 years, and publishing over 200 academic journal articles and 46 books. They are the co-founders of The Gottman Institute and Love Lab.

00:00:00 Intro
00:02:43 What mission are you on & Why study love?
00:07:06 Studying traits of successful couples
00:09:03 Link between relationships & our health
00:12:51 What is the love lab?
00:15:41 The misconceptions about relationships
00:17:52 How to connect with your partner
00:27:44 What is the 'attuned' framework?
00:32:46 Why does typical couples therapy often fail?
00:35:17 The 7 Principles of a successful marriage
00:38:45 Do partners' dreams need to be aligned?
00:40:45 69% of our problems are not solvable
00:48:41 What to do when your partner wants to change you
00:51:19 The four horsemen
00:58:21 What is flooding?
01:03:31 What's a 'caretaker' in a relationship
01:06:31 Conflict misunderstandings
01:08:34 How to become a master at conflict resolution
01:11:41 How to repair/fix relationship issues
01:19:22 What have you learnt about the role of kissing
01:22:25 The role of sex in a relationship
01:29:58 Our society is becoming more sexless
01:32:18 Men struggling to figure out where they fit into society
01:37:50 What do women really want in a man?
01:39:59 Talking about sex makes your sex life better
01:44:30 Betrayal in a relationship
01:45:14 The traits that show a failing relationship
01:49:20 Asking your partner about their dreams
01:51:28 Advice to give a relationship its best shot
01:53:21 The most interesting conclusions from The Love Lab
01:55:39 What does Julie mean to you, John
01:56:36 What does John mean to you, Julie
01:58:38 Why did you write this book
01:59:54 The Last Guest's question

28 March 2024

The Surprising Truth About Alcohol - Dr Rangan Chatterjee with Andy Ramage

Many of us discover alcohol as a teenager. We start to believe we can’t socialise, dance or talk to strangers without it – and we carry these myths with us long into adulthood. We think others will find us boring if we don’t drink. Hangovers become a celebrated end to a ‘great night out’. And we play down negative effects such as risky behaviour, poor sleep, low mood or junk food cravings.

Andy is passionate about reversing all these beliefs and behaviours. He explains his ‘ambivalence seesaw’ – a framework you can use to work out your current relationship with alcohol and start to shift it. We discuss why moderation isn’t a good tactic, why Dry January often fails, and why slip-ups are part of the learning process. And he shares some valuable advice on coping with social pressure to drink, and cultivating a kinder self-talk.

12 March 2024

How to Enhance Focus and Improve Productivity - Dr Andew Huberman with Dr Cal Newport

Dr Cal Newport, a professor of computer science at Georgetown University and author of numerous books on focus and productivity, discusses how to avoid digital distraction, specific systems to best arrange and update your schedule, and how to curate your work and home environment. This episode provides specific protocols for enhancing focus and productivity, time management, task prioritization, and improving work-life balance that ought to be useful for anyone, young or old, regardless of profession.

09 March 2024

How to see clearly through deceptive emotions - Big Think with Kristen Lindquist

Neuroscientist Kristen Lindquist on how even on a biological level, emotions are entirely subjective. According to this neuroscientist, your emotions look different from those of someone who grew up on the other side of the world.

Kristen Lindquist, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, explores the concept of 'affective realism,' where our emotional experiences dictate our true reality. Emotions, Lindquist explains, are cultural artifacts, passed down like art or language, and are distinct reflections of both our biological makeup and our societal norms.

Individualistic societies like the United States and collectivist cultures like Japan interpret emotions like anger differently, leading to varied physiological responses. These findings suggest that there are no “universal emotional expressions,” that even facial muscle movements we associate with certain feelings are not globally recognized, but are instead interpreted through a cultural lens.

Lindquist's work invites us to consider our own emotional responses, encouraging a more open-minded approach to interpreting the feelings of others. Through this understanding, we can appreciate the unique perspectives each individual brings, to eventually unlock better solutions for understanding the world around us.

02 March 2024

Debating Modern Therapy Culture & Gen Z - Abigail Shrier

Abigail Shrier is a journalist, a writer for The Wall Street Journal, and an author. Therapy use is becoming more prevalent while mental health is getting worse. Are these two things causing each other? Or just happening at the same time? It’s a lively one today as I try to get to the bottom of this. Expect to learn what is happening with modern mental health, the typical timeline of mental health for young people, what the current statistics are around therapy, which kinds of people see therapists the most, if there are any dangers to psychotherapy, why there might be an over-diagnosis and pathologisation of normal human emotions, why Abigail thinks there is such an increase in mental health disorders and much more…

27 February 2024

The Most Important Daily Habits For Health & Longevity - Modern Wisdom with Dr Rhonda Patrick

Dr Rhonda Patrick is an biomedical scientist, researcher and a podcaster. Determining the best actions to take for enhancing our health and extending our lives has grown more challenging. There are an unlimited number of wellness approaches at our disposal, thankfully Dr Patrick has dedicated her professional life to identifying the most evidence-based strategies for improving our health and longevity. Expect to learn if low omega 3s are worse for you than smoking cigarettes, what Rhonda’s thoughts are on vaping and nicotine, the best foods to boost your metabolism, the once a week workout that can de-age your heart by 20 years, how to get the benefits of heat exposure if you don’t have a sauna, the terrifying health risks of being too sedentary and much more…

14 February 2024

How to Improve Oral Health & Its Critical Role in Brain & Body Health - Dr Andrew Huberman

Dr Andrew Huberman discusses the importance of oral health for dental and microbiome health and general physical and mental well-being. He explains science-supported protocols for strengthening your teeth and gums, including how to remineralize your teeth. He covers the best approaches and timing for brushing and flossing, tongue, gum, and oral microbiome care and how oral health is critically important to offset metabolic, cardiac, and brain diseases, including dementia. He also discusses proper nutrition for oral health, fluoride, and how sugar and mouth breathing can accelerate tooth decay. This episode ought to be of interest to everyone seeking to improve their physical health, mental health, and lifespan, given the critical role that oral health plays in all of these.

00:00:00 Oral Health
00:03:28 Sponsors: Mateina, ROKA & Helix Sleep
00:07:13 Oral Health Quiz
00:13:53 Teeth Biology, Cavity Repair
00:20:01 Mouth, Gums, Saliva
00:27:23 Sponsor: AG1
00:28:51 Cavity Formation, Bacteria, Sugar, Acidity
00:35:10 Teeth Remineralization, Fluoride, Water
00:42:57 Sponsor: InsideTracker
00:43:58 Tools: The “Do Nots” of Oral Health, Mouth Breathing
00:54:48 Tools: Fasting & Teeth Remineralization; Nighttime Toothbrushing
01:03:23 Proper Teeth Brushing; Tooth Sensitivity & Gums
01:08:16 Bacteria, Plaque & Tartar; Tooth Polishing
01:11:02 Proper Flossing Technique, Waterpik; Children & Flossing
01:14:23 Tool: Xylitol, Bacteria & Cavity Prevention
01:19:43 Toothpastes: Xylitol, Fluoride, Hydroxyapatite
01:22:38 Mouthwash & Alcohol, Antiseptic Mouthwash
01:26:29 Tools: Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide?, Salt Water Rinse
01:32:36 Alcohol-Based Mouthwash, Nitric Oxide
01:34:52 Tools: Canker Sore Prevention & Gut Microbiome; Sleep
01:37:47 Tools: Tongue Brushing; Toothbrush Care
01:41:38 Teeth Sealants; Metal Fillings, Mercury, Mastic Gum; Root Canals
01:48:43 Dentist Visits, Daily Routines & Oral Health
01:54:17 Practices for Oral Health, Oil Pulling
01:58:21 Outro

09 February 2024

A Playbook for Better Parenting and Relationships - The Knowledge Project with Dr Becky Kennedy

Everybody seemingly has some sort of problem they’re trying to “parent” out of their kids - they aren’t responsible, they won’t listen, they’re disrespectful - but what if every problem was caused by a few simple things? How would that change your approach to parenting and other relationships?

In this episode, Dr. Becky Kennedy shares insights on your relationship with your partner, regulating your emotions, setting screen time boundaries, and how parents get in the way. Almost everything she shares applies not just to parenting but to every relationship in your life - with your partner, your kids, your colleagues, and your customers.

You’ll learn how to frame things differently, repair a relationship after a heated argument, the three steps to regulate emotions, the key to unlocking the next level in all your relationships, and how to identify the core problems that trickle turn messy situations and how to fix them.

02 February 2024

The Lifetime Problem With Being A “Nice Guy” - Modern Wisdom with Dr Robert Glover

Dr Robert Glover is a therapist, coach and an author. Being nice is something many of us aspire to become. After all, who doesn’t want to be nice? Well Nice Guy Syndrome has been ruining the lives of many men for decades, so perhaps we should aspire to be something else. Expect to learn what is actually wrong with being a nice guy, why men become so afraid of putting their needs first, how to stop people pleasing without being a bad guy, why nice guys end up resentful and bitter, whether nice guys attract or repel women and much more…

01 February 2024

Unspoken expectations are premeditated resentments - Neil Strauss

Unspoken expectations are premeditated resentments - Neil Strauss.

31 January 2024

Lower back pain: causes, treatment, and prevention of lower back injuries and pain - Dr Stuart McGill

Dr Stuart McGill is a distinguished professor emeritus at the University of Waterloo and the chief scientific officer at Backfitpro Inc. where he specializes in evaluating complex cases of lower back pain from across the globe. In this episode, Stuart engages in a deep exploration of lower back pain, starting with the anatomy of the lower back, the workings of the spine, the pathophysiology of back pain, and areas of vulnerability. He challenges the concept of nonspecific back pain, emphasizing the importance of finding a causal relationship between injury and pain. Stuart highlights compelling case studies of the successful treatment of complex cases of lower back pain, reinforcing his conviction that nobody needs to suffer endlessly. He also covers the importance of strength and stability, shares his favourite exercises to prescribe to patients, and provides invaluable advice for maintaining a healthy spine.

00:00:00 Dr. Stuart McGill
00:02:33 Sponsors: Helix Sleep, BetterHelp & Waking Up
00:06:23 What Causes Back Pain?; Genetics, Dog Breed Analogy
00:12:55 Tool: Skeleton & Body Type; Spine Flexibility & Discs
00:20:25 Flexibility & Exercises; Discs & Collagen
00:25:43 Sponsor: AG1
00:27:32 Stress & Tipping Point; Athletic Tradeoffs, Triathletes
00:36:17 Back Pain, Goals & Training Program
00:45:57 Spine Hygiene, Back Pain, Powerlifting
00:53:33 Genetics & Running
00:59:34 Sponsor: LMNT
01:00:46 Rehabilitation & Reducing Volume; Injury
01:07:42 Tool: Training for Lifelong Fitness, Injury & Joints
01:17:40 Pain Types, Biopsychosocial Model of Pain
01:26:15 Coaching, Explosivity & Endurance
01:32:43 Virtual Surgery & Rest, Pain Recovery
01:41:25 Tool: McGill’s Big 3; Building Back Strength & Stability
01:46:39 Inversion Tables & Spine Deloading, Disc Bulge, Tool: Lumbar Support
01:51:09 Tool: Daily Walking; Sitting
01:55:33 Deadlift & Bone Density, Glute-Ham Raise
02:06:20 Training & Age, Osteoporosis, Tool: Deadlift Alternatives
02:16:47 Tools: Biblical Training Week; Spine Stability & McGill’s Big 3; Shrinking & Age
02:24:16 Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP); Disc Damage
02:27:56 Tools: Biblical Training Week & Strength Exercises, Neck Strength
02:35:24 Tools: Sword Play, Distal Limb Loading, Training for Symmetry
02:42:38 Tools: Biblical Training Week, Mobility & Cardiovascular Exercises, Athletic Panel
02:49:22 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

0:00:00 Intro
0:00:30 Peter’s experience with debilitating back pain
0:14:11 Anatomy of the back: spine, discs, facet joints, and common pain points
0:24:48 Lower back injuries and pain: acute vs. chronic, impact of disc damage, microfractures, and more
0:31:30 Why the majority of back injuries happen around the L4, L5, and S1 joints
0:37:20 How the spine responds to forces like bending and loading, and how it adapts do different athletic activities
0:45:12 The pathology of bulging discs
0:48:33 The pathophysiology of Peter’s back pain, injuries from excessive loading, immune response to back injuries, muscle relaxers, and more
0:59:36 The three most important exercises Stuart prescribes, how he assesses patients, and the importance of tailored exercises based on individual needs and body types
1:12:46 The significance of strength and stability in preventing injuries and preserving longevity
1:25:33 Stuart’s take on squats and deadlifting: potential risks, alternatives, and importance of correct movement patterns
1:37:08 Helping patients with psychological trauma from lower back pain by empowering them with the understanding of the mechanical aspects of their pain
1:46:59 Empowering patients through education and understanding of their pain through Stuart’s clinic and work through BackFitPro
1:56:08 When surgical interventions may be appropriate, and “virtual surgery” as an alternative
2:05:48 Weakness, nerve pain, and stenosis: treatments, surgical considerations, and more
2:11:21 Tarlov cysts: treatment and surgical considerations
2:13:34 The evolution of patient assessments and the limitations of MRI
2:18:40 Pain relief related to stiffness and muscle bulk through training
2:26:49 Advice for the young person on how to keep a healthy spine
2:39:24 Resources for individuals dealing with lower back pain

Dr Stuart McGill's book: Back Mechanic by Dr Stuart McGill

In an age where a seemingly endless amount of gimmicky back products are in circulation, a definitive guide to self-assessment and rehabilitation is more essential than ever. Back Mechanic guides you through a self-assessment of your pain triggers, then shows you how to avoid these roadblocks to recovery. Then effective exercises are coached in a step by step progressive plan. Spine expert, Dr Stuart McGill used his 30 years of research findings and clinical investigations to create this evidence-based guide that has helped thousands reclaim their lives. This knowledge is now available to you in this richly illustrated book. You will become your own best Back Mechanic and advocate.

30 January 2024

Human evolutionary biology and how our modern environment is causing modern diseases - The Diary of a CEO with Dr Daniel Lieberman

Dr Daniel Lieberman is the Chair of the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. His research focuses on how the human body has evolved to be the way it is. He is the author of the best-selling books, ‘The Story of the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease’ and ‘Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding’.

In this conversation Dr Daniel Lieberman and Steven discuss topics, such as if human evolution is going backwards and what we can learn from hunter-gatherers.

00:00:00 Intro
00:02:00 What do you do, and why do you do it?
00:03:09 Are we actually a good species?
00:05:11 Do our ancestors hold the answer to all our health needs?
00:07:32 Have we evolved to eat meat?
00:10:33 How did we learn to hunt and gather?
00:17:03 Have we evolved to breathe wrong?
00:19:28 Why do we sweat?
00:24:23 When did our brains get so big?
00:29:55 Why do we struggle to diet?
00:38:31 Modern-day mismatched diseases
00:42:41 Why did you write a book about food?
00:45:02 Has our culture moved too fast?
00:46:15 We've decided to live with diseases rather than prevent them.
00:50:13 The modern foods we eat have affected the way we look.
00:53:02 Is cancer a consequence of our modern society?
00:58:34 How our bodies store energy
01:05:23 The keto diet and fasting
01:09:44 Are we too comfortable as a society?
01:14:59 Puberty has changed, and we’re going into it earlier than ever before.
01:16:37 The dangers of sitting down all day like we do.
01:20:08 What should people take away most from this conversation?
01:24:16 The products we put on our bodies, are they toxic?
01:30:06 The last guest's question

22 January 2024

Exploring the Most Depressed Country in the World - Mark Manson

South Korea is an incredible country with a vibrant culture... but it’s also undergoing what’s possibly the worst mental health crisis in the world.

So between playing video games, hosting a reader meet-up and eating some of the spiciest f*cking food of my life, Mark went out to discover what intense social pressures foster such high rates of anxiety and depression.

06 January 2024

Active versus Passive Learning - Morgan Housel

Active learning: Someone tells you what to learn, how to learn it, on a set schedule, on pre-selected standardized topics.

Passive learning: You let your mind wander with no intended destination. You read and learn broadly, talk to people from various backgrounds, and stumble haphazardly across topics you had never considered but spark your curiosity, often because it’s the topic you happen to need at that specific time of your life.

Most of what I’ve learned in life has come from passive learning.

03 January 2024

Why You Can’t Stop Eating Ultra-Processed Foods - Dr Rangan Chatterjee with Dr Chris Van Tulleken

An ultra-processed food (UPF) is any food that’s processed industrially and created for big-business profit, rather than to provide nutrients. And here in the UK, UPF makes up 60 percent of the average diet. The trouble is, says Chris, UPFs have been shown to be the leading cause of early death in the world, ahead of tobacco. Even if you remain at what is considered a healthy weight, consuming UPFs still leaves you vulnerable to things like Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, dementia, anxiety, depression, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer and eating disorders.

In this conversation, Chris provides a clear definition of the difference between processing and ultra-processing, and explains how our toxic food environment is designed to be addictive. We also discuss a whole range of different topics such as the need to see obesity as a condition and not an identity and the seemingly revolutionary idea that re-prioritising food shopping and cooking as a vital, enjoyable part of our day, could be a first step towards the societal change that’s urgently needed.