18 April 2006

ssh tunneling over http

Based on Tunneling SSH over HTTP(S)

Setup ssh tunneling over http with /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssh.conf
ServerName ssh.parwy.net:80
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"

HostnameLookups On
ProxyRequests on
ProxyVia on

Order allow,deny
Allow from all
And ~/.ssh/config (no intermediate proxy)
Host *.parwy.net
DynamicForward 1080
ProxyCommand /cygdrive/c/sekhonp/tools/proxytunnel/proxytunnel.exe -p ssh.parwy.net:80 -d %h:%p
ServerAliveInterval 30
or ~/.ssh/config (intermediate proxy)
Host *.parwy.net
DynamicForward 1080
ProxyCommand /cygdrive/c/sekhonp/tools/proxytunnel/proxytunnel.exe -p proxyhost:proxyport -u proxyuser -s proxypassword -r ssh.parwy.net:80 -d %h:%p
ServerAliveInterval 30