At some point over the last few months my dvd drives stopped working on Linux Centos 5.0 (kernel 2.6.18). Having spent half the day googling to find a fix, looking at udev, hal, fstab, bios settings, ata/piix/ide modules, jumper settings on the drive... I found a fix to the problem. Having tried to execute
modprobe ide-cd
I got an error message about not understanding what the dma option is. Which led me onto editing /etc/modprobe.conf and commenting out the the line:
options ide-cd dma=1
This fixed the problem.
28 December 2007
28 November 2007
The problem with too many software layers
This article summaries the problems with too many software layers: In Relation To... From component model failure to layer fetishism
25 November 2007
A kdb tick/q demo
1) Install q and kdb tick, including k4.lic file
2) In install dir
mkdir data
mkdir logs
create file tick/schema.q containing:
3) create a script for kdb
export QHOME=/usr/local/bin/q
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/q
$QHOME/l32/q tick.k schema $QHOME/data -o 0 -p 30000 >> $QHOME/logs/tp.log 2>&1 &
$QHOME/l32/q tick/r.k :30000 -p 30001 >> $QHOME/logs/rtdb.log 2>&1 &
$QHOME/l32/q $QHOME/data/schema -p 30002 >> $QHOME/logs/hdb.txt 2>&1 &
4) run start script
5) In a seperate q session insert some data
h:hopen `:localhost:30000
h ".u.upd[`test](`ibm; 10000.0; 98.0)"
2) In install dir
mkdir data
mkdir logs
create file tick/schema.q containing:
3) create a script for kdb
export QHOME=/usr/local/bin/q
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/q
$QHOME/l32/q tick.k schema $QHOME/data -o 0 -p 30000 >> $QHOME/logs/tp.log 2>&1 &
$QHOME/l32/q tick/r.k :30000 -p 30001 >> $QHOME/logs/rtdb.log 2>&1 &
$QHOME/l32/q $QHOME/data/schema -p 30002 >> $QHOME/logs/hdb.txt 2>&1 &
4) run start script
5) In a seperate q session insert some data
h:hopen `:localhost:30000
h ".u.upd[`test](`ibm; 10000.0; 98.0)"
24 November 2007
Subversion auto-props default
Its a shame that subversion's config for auto-props dont have some sensible defaults or allow me to set them on a per repository basis. Here are some that I use in my ${home}/.subversion/config.
enable-auto-props = yes
*.q = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:mime-type=text/x-q
*.sh = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:executable=ON;svn:mime-type=text/x-sh
*.java = svn:keywords=Id;svn:mime-type=text/x-java-source
*.png = svn:mime-type=image/png
*.jpg = svn:mime-type=image/jpeg
enable-auto-props = yes
*.q = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:mime-type=text/x-q
*.sh = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:executable=ON;svn:mime-type=text/x-sh
*.java = svn:keywords=Id;svn:mime-type=text/x-java-source
*.png = svn:mime-type=image/png
*.jpg = svn:mime-type=image/jpeg
22 November 2007
19 November 2007
18 November 2007
Maven Help
mvn --help
Lists the profiles which are currently active for the build:
mvn help:active-profiles
Displays the effective POM for the current build, with the active profiles factored in:
Prints out the calculated settings for the project, given any profile enhancement and the inheritance of the global settings into the user-level settings:
To get help on a plugin:
mvn help:describe -Dplugin=xxx -Dfull
mvn help:describe -DgroupId=xxx -DartifactId=xxx -Dfull=true
Lists the profiles which are currently active for the build:
mvn help:active-profiles
Displays the effective POM for the current build, with the active profiles factored in:
Prints out the calculated settings for the project, given any profile enhancement and the inheritance of the global settings into the user-level settings:
To get help on a plugin:
mvn help:describe -Dplugin=xxx -Dfull
mvn help:describe -DgroupId=xxx -DartifactId=xxx -Dfull=true
Apache Archiva Maven Repository Server
Seems like a pretty decent Maven Repository server. I've set it up to manage my own Maven repositories, including my own "external-public" repository which proxies access to a number of the big external Maven repositories.
Its easy to install and all configuration is done through the web interface. As well as configuring repositories and connect repositories so one can proxy another, it adds user management to secure access via various roles. The docs on the home site aren't great but google and you will find other good config howtos.
For more detail on functionality see
Its easy to install and all configuration is done through the web interface. As well as configuring repositories and connect repositories so one can proxy another, it adds user management to secure access via various roles. The docs on the home site aren't great but google and you will find other good config howtos.
For more detail on functionality see
Creating a default Maven project
mvn archetype:generate
This will ask multi-choice questions regarding creating a new project/module.
Or you can directly specify all options as:
mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.parwy.testproj -DartifactId=testproj -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart
Archetypes include:
The default is maven-archetype-quickstart
This will ask multi-choice questions regarding creating a new project/module.
Or you can directly specify all options as:
mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.parwy.testproj -DartifactId=testproj -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart
Archetypes include:
The default is maven-archetype-quickstart
13 November 2007
Web frameworks
I not had to do any web development for years but thought I'd archive this link away in case I need to look at them again. Hopefully, by the time I ever come across the need to do web development, the tools and frameworks will have evolved much further.
12 November 2007
What belongs on the domain model and what belongs on service classes
11 November 2007
Bulk search and replace using sed
This little snippet replaces occurrences of oldString with newString in all files named *.txt in the current directory and below, keeping a backup of the original files.
for i in $(find . -name "*.txt"); do sed 's/oldString/newString/g' $i > $i-tmp; mv $i $i-backup; mv $i-tmp $i; done
for i in $(find . -name "*.txt"); do sed 's/oldString/newString/g' $i > $i-tmp; mv $i $i-backup; mv $i-tmp $i; done
27 October 2007
17 October 2007
14 October 2007
Deleting lots of files
If you are trying to delete a directory with lots of files in, rm will complain about to many files and refuse to delete. You can get round this with xargs:
find . -name "log-200709*.gz" -print0 | xargs -0 -t -r rm -f
find . -name "log-200709*.gz" -print0 | xargs -0 -t -r rm -f
Unit testing and documentation
When I left my last job, some of the big lessons I learnt in software development were:
1) Rely on dependency injection, from a design perspective, I don't mean using an IoC container like Spring. This meant avoiding singletons at all costs.
2) Compile a large system out of many small modules (jars) rather than compile the system into a monolithic jar. This was vital to prevent circular dependencies.
On my current project I would add a few more lessons:
1) Write unit tests, these may slow you down earlier, but they become a god-send three years down the line, when some of the original team members have left and been replaced by others. You want new members of the team to be able to get into and refactor any part of the system. At this point you must rely on unit tests, not on the memory of an old developer on the team telling them, "you'll have to watch out in that package, there is this issue you must remember or that issue you must ensure you don't break".
2) In the same vain as testing more documentation of packages, classes, methods and fields. You don't need much, as good naming of artifacts is often enough. But I probably could have documented a bit more.
3) Use more composition to change the behaviour of objects rather than inheritance. Using composition more occurs naturally through a dependency-injection approach, however it is still possible to overuse inheritance, which reduces reusability.
4) Be more strict about ensuring most classes are immutable, rather than making them mutable for performance reasons. I got some big gains in performance but I think I sacrificed more in terms of "gotchas" other developers face with mutable classes, e.g. storing an object in a set and then wondering why it is different later. Anyway some of the performance gains disappeared by the need to clone mutable objects.
5) Using libraries for units right from the beginning and pervasively. For units I mean something like Joda from dates/times/periods and classes for other measures such as monetary amounts.
1) Rely on dependency injection, from a design perspective, I don't mean using an IoC container like Spring. This meant avoiding singletons at all costs.
2) Compile a large system out of many small modules (jars) rather than compile the system into a monolithic jar. This was vital to prevent circular dependencies.
On my current project I would add a few more lessons:
1) Write unit tests, these may slow you down earlier, but they become a god-send three years down the line, when some of the original team members have left and been replaced by others. You want new members of the team to be able to get into and refactor any part of the system. At this point you must rely on unit tests, not on the memory of an old developer on the team telling them, "you'll have to watch out in that package, there is this issue you must remember or that issue you must ensure you don't break".
2) In the same vain as testing more documentation of packages, classes, methods and fields. You don't need much, as good naming of artifacts is often enough. But I probably could have documented a bit more.
3) Use more composition to change the behaviour of objects rather than inheritance. Using composition more occurs naturally through a dependency-injection approach, however it is still possible to overuse inheritance, which reduces reusability.
4) Be more strict about ensuring most classes are immutable, rather than making them mutable for performance reasons. I got some big gains in performance but I think I sacrificed more in terms of "gotchas" other developers face with mutable classes, e.g. storing an object in a set and then wondering why it is different later. Anyway some of the performance gains disappeared by the need to clone mutable objects.
5) Using libraries for units right from the beginning and pervasively. For units I mean something like Joda from dates/times/periods and classes for other measures such as monetary amounts.
13 October 2007
31 May 2007
Offline access to Google Reader through Google Gears
Google Gears (BETA)
Downloads Google Reader entries, lets you read them offline and resyncs read items when you connect. Lovely.
Downloads Google Reader entries, lets you read them offline and resyncs read items when you connect. Lovely.
23 May 2007
Brendon in print - How the mobile phone biz lost the plot - The Register
Wow, Brendon gets printed in The Register: How the mobile phone biz lost the plot
29 April 2007
Oops I had an open http proxy
I accidentally configured my apache web server to be an open proxy. I only discovered this when my own web browsing became very slow. First thing I did was reboot my server, that didnt help, so next I rebooted my netgear router, that didnt help either. I waited a day in case it was a problem at the ISP (even though their website was not showing any incidents). So the next day I ran:
netstat -a --inet --notrim
and found that a huge number of hosts were connecting to my http port. I followed this up by looking at my apache access logs and true enough, hundreds of hosts were connecting and asking for URLs that were external sites.
First things I did was access the admin site of my router and disable http/https. I then fixed my apache configuration and restarted apache, before renabling http/https on my router. After this I watched my apache access logs, as expected many hosts were still hitting my webserver, although at least now it was returning 404, rather than proxying the http request. So I installed ntop and got some statistics on which ip addresses were the biggest culprits. Armed with a list of ip addresses I blacklisted any ip traffic from them using iptables, i.e:
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
netstat -a --inet --notrim
and found that a huge number of hosts were connecting to my http port. I followed this up by looking at my apache access logs and true enough, hundreds of hosts were connecting and asking for URLs that were external sites.
First things I did was access the admin site of my router and disable http/https. I then fixed my apache configuration and restarted apache, before renabling http/https on my router. After this I watched my apache access logs, as expected many hosts were still hitting my webserver, although at least now it was returning 404, rather than proxying the http request. So I installed ntop and got some statistics on which ip addresses were the biggest culprits. Armed with a list of ip addresses I blacklisted any ip traffic from them using iptables, i.e:
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -v -A INPUT -s -j DROP
04 February 2007
27 January 2007
GroupLayout looks quite useful for creating forms. It came out of Netbean's Matisse GUI builder and is making its way into Java 6. Here is an introduction: Tomas Pavek's Blog: Getting to know GroupLayout, part 1.
20 January 2007
Google Code - Project Hosting
Google Code - Project Hosting is a Sourceforge like software management application that allows you to create a subversion repository for your code, a file repository for releases and a wiki for documentation.
01 January 2007
Importing a new subversion project
Say you want to import a project called contacts into subversion repository called main. First we create a dummy project to import, this creates the structure (trunk/branches/tags) for the project. Second we import the real project into the trunk area.
drwx------+ 4 sekhonp None 0 Jan 1 15:24 contacts
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>mkdir emptyproject
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>mkdir emptyproject\trunk
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>mkdir emptyproject\branches
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>mkdir emptyproject\tags
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>svn import emptyproject
Adding emptyproject\trunk
Adding emptyproject\branches
Adding emptyproject\tags
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>ls -al
drwx------+ 4 sekhonp None 0 Jan 1 15:24 contacts
drwx------+ 5 sekhonp None 0 Jan 1 15:26 emptyproject
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>svn import contacts
We now have a repository structure that looks like:
You can now clean up and checkout the trunk of the project:
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>rm -rf emptyproject
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>rm -rf contacts
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>svn co contacts
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>ls -al
drwx------+ 5 sekhonp None 0 Jan 1 15:43 contacts
drwx------+ 4 sekhonp None 0 Jan 1 15:24 contacts
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>mkdir emptyproject
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>mkdir emptyproject\trunk
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>mkdir emptyproject\branches
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>mkdir emptyproject\tags
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>svn import emptyproject
Adding emptyproject\trunk
Adding emptyproject\branches
Adding emptyproject\tags
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>ls -al
drwx------+ 4 sekhonp None 0 Jan 1 15:24 contacts
drwx------+ 5 sekhonp None 0 Jan 1 15:26 emptyproject
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>svn import contacts
We now have a repository structure that looks like:
main ->
contacts ->
trunk ->
project files...
branches ->
tags ->
You can now clean up and checkout the trunk of the project:
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>rm -rf emptyproject
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>rm -rf contacts
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>svn co contacts
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>ls -al
drwx------+ 5 sekhonp None 0 Jan 1 15:43 contacts
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