drwx------+ 4 sekhonp None 0 Jan 1 15:24 contacts
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>mkdir emptyproject
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>mkdir emptyproject\trunk
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>mkdir emptyproject\branches
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>mkdir emptyproject\tags
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>svn import emptyproject http://svn.parwy.net/repos/main/contacts
Adding emptyproject\trunk
Adding emptyproject\branches
Adding emptyproject\tags
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>ls -al
drwx------+ 4 sekhonp None 0 Jan 1 15:24 contacts
drwx------+ 5 sekhonp None 0 Jan 1 15:26 emptyproject
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>svn import contacts http://svn.parwy.net/repos/main/contacts/trunk
We now have a repository structure that looks like:
main ->
contacts ->
trunk ->
project files...
branches ->
tags ->
You can now clean up and checkout the trunk of the project:
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>rm -rf emptyproject
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>rm -rf contacts
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>svn co http://svn.parwy.net/repos/main/contacts/trunk contacts
C:\sekhonp\it\builds>ls -al
drwx------+ 5 sekhonp None 0 Jan 1 15:43 contacts