04 August 2016

Use the AIM Method to Take Control of Your Happiness


The AIM method is designed less to help you achieve something that will make you happy, and more to help you learn how to be happy no matter what.

Attention: Where you focus your attention is where your emotional energy goes. If you’re constantly seeking out things that stress you out - like hate-reading bad reviews for a movie you like or negatives news stories about a person you can’t stand - then you’ll train yourself to be unhappy. Instead, spend your time and attention on the things that make you happy.

Interpretation: Contrary to how we think, most things are really up for interpretation. Maybe your partner left the dishes out because they don’t value you enough to care, or maybe they just forgot. You can’t choose what happens, but you can choose your interpretations.

Memory: You can also choose which memories you focus on most. Many unhappy people choose to relive the bad memories over and over, constantly thinking about what they’d say to the person that hurt them or relishing how bad their life is now. If you want to be happy instead, focus on the positive memories you have and let the bad ones go.